Presentation of New Colours
On Monday 12th May 2014, I was privileged to be at the presentation of New Colours to No. 1 S of TT at RAF Cosford. Even though it rained all day, the organization was perfect – as you would expect. The recruits were splendid and were a credit to the School and to its traditions. For those who have not been to see one of these before, the order of the ceremony and details were as follows:
The parade was divided into 6 flights, all trainees from the school with the exception of two members of staff. All the flights were commanded by airmen from the school. Two escort flights to the colours, with the remainder paraded behind them.
The old colours were marched off in slow time first after HRH Princess Anne arrived. After the Royal Salute, and before the new colours were marched on, HRH inspected the escort flights. The new cased colours were then marched on, uncased and draped across the drums. The Chaplain-in-Chief of the Camp, blessed the flag, before it was received by HRH who then presented it to the colour bearer, AC Parker – another tradition as the School colours are the only military colours to be carried by an Airman. The colours were then marched on in slow time before the parade advanced in review order and gave three cheers.
Finally the colours were marched past in slow time and quick time, before the whole parade marched off.
A most moving ceremony, enjoyed by all that went there. The best part for me was to be dry in the stands, while Junior Entry serving officers (two AVM’s ) had seats just in the rain!
Enjoy the photographs below.