Those no longer with us

Those no longer with us

Last Updated 20/07/2024

This page is dedicated to those who have not survived the years.badge2smaller


Name When Details
Richard (Jock) ABRAHAMS 22nd September 2020 After a long illness
Pete ALLEN 4th January 2022 Lymphoma Cancer
Dave ANDREWS 27th August 2014 Multiple Cancers
Mick ANDREWS 1962 Motorcycle Accident
John BAIN August 2011 Unknown
                          Mike ASHBEE                      4th January 2014                           Unknown
Nick BALE 6th Janury 2020 Lung Cancere
Jim BINGHAM 2018 Cancer
Dan BLACKWELL 9th September 2010 Cancer
Fred BLAKE 8th October 2010 After a long illness
John (Jock) BODDIE 2008 Courtesy of his daughter Caroline no further details
Ian(Dusty) Brown – changed name to Ian Spencer-Brown 23/01/2020 Cancer
Cliff BRYSON 20/10/2015 Cancer
Al BURTON 2nd April 2014 Prostate Cancer
Pat CARROLL 27th August 2019 Unknown
Martin Collier 30th June 2024 Lewy Body Syndrome
John (Jock) CRUICKSHANK 2008 Cancer
John CUNDY 8/10/2015 Cancer?
Martin (Curly) CURWOOD 30th September 2008 After short illness
Chew Peng WAH 1998 Heart attack
                         Peter (Dixie) DEAN                      25th March 2023                              Cancer
Paddy DEMPSEY 26th October 2010 Cancer
Mick Dennison 1st June 2021 Prostate Cancer
Dave DOUGHERTY August 2015 Heart Attack
John FLACK 19th August 2021 Mesothelioma
John Garland 14th June 2023 Cancer
Michael (Hinge) GATES 16th June 2010 Cancer
Brian GEORGE 1967 Beverley crash in Malaya.
Roland GUILMOTO 3d June 2018 after several strokes
Dennis HARPER 23d June 2010 Throat Cancer
Gerry HAYES August 1997 Suddenly
Norman (Manch) HIRST 31/01/2013  Respiratory Problems 
 Bob HOOPER 29th November 2015   Brain Tumours
Alan HOUGHAM 04/10/2016 Pneumonia
Colin Horne 4th December 2023 No Information
Al HUSSON 1st April 1994 After a long illness
 31st March 2013 After a short Illness 
Nikki Kuru-Utumpala 27th December 2014 Heart Attack
Dave LAKEN 19th April 2020 Heart Attack
Neil LASLETT 1986 Heart Attack
George (Paddy) LAWLER 19th July 2017 Unknown
Chris LISTER 1965/1966 car crash in Germany
John MARSDEN 2018 Cancer
Angus MaCINNES 22nd November 2020 Vascular Dementia
 Jim McGAW  September 2003 Heart Attack 
Ian McLachlan 8th October 2022 Unknown
Bill McLaren 3d June 2019 Unknown
Pete MARTIN 2nd November 2017 Myeloma
 Frank MERRITT 13th June 2013  Heart Attack 
Norman MITCHELL 1999 Cancer
Dave MORGAN 4th November 1967 Shackleton accident on route Gan to Singapore
Bob PENSWICK October 1984 Glider accident
Tim PERKINS 2019 Unknown
M.F.PINE No Information No Information
Steve POWELL 21st February 2012 No Information
S. RAVITHUBAN 13th July 2011 No Information
‘Rags’ RAGUNATHAN 2003 Natural Causes
Bill Ramsay
September 2015 Cancer
Peter ROBINSON 7-April-2008 Cancer
5th April 2017 Unknown
Vernon RUTLAND December 1995 Found shot. Aindale- Nr. Halifax-Nova Scotia-Canada.
March 2013  Unknown but has been ill for some time 
Tony Smith 16th DEcember 2022 Kidney and liver failure
M. S. STILLITANO 1972 Sudden Heart Attack
Dave TOPSOM 6-March-2013 Asbestos Related
Ernie TRIGWELL 1967 Beverley crash in Malaya
Dave TURTON 20-October-1998 Through Ill Health
Fermin VASQUEZ E. 7th January 2012 Stomach Cancer
J S Yeomans Unknown but possibly 2019 Not notified by family
Peter (Pinky) WALTON 11th APril 2018 Cancer
Bob WILKES 1986 In France after suffering a stroke.
Derek WORTH 4th December 2020 After a short illness


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The reunion at the Bailbrook House Hotel went extremely well. Sadly only 18 of our number were able to attend and I suspect COVID had a lot to do with that. However, 31 guests sat down to a splendid 3 course meal on the second night. The hotel lived up to its recommendation and I have to thank all the staff for looking after us so well. Those of us who went to the Aerospace at Filton enjoyed the experience – the ribald comments by our riggers on the state of riveting being used on a Blenheim adding to the fun. None of their work would have passed the eagle-eyed instructors on basic workshops. Thankfully, this aircraft is for static display!

The Bell Hotel at Winslow that I chose as our base for the Reunion at Halton turned out to be very good as well. Bob French turned up in his wheelchair on the Friday night, having forgotten that he had only booked for one night. However, even though the place was full, the hotel managed to fix him up with a temporary room. On parade at Halton were 10 from the entry and also on parade was our refurbished banner – still the orginal but now strengthened and with the paint uplifted.

We still have no news on 63 of our members that seem to have vanished without trace. It would be good to try and track them down but I suspect it will not now happen.

5th Oct 2022